Monday, February 24, 2014

Ch. 4 - The Marketing Environment

Gatorade is aiming to serve those who are athletes, whether it be by playing the sport or working out, their goal is to keep people hydrated. It targets 13-28 because they are focusing on when people begin sports excessively up until the age of pro athletes who are preforming at their prime. Gatorade is able to target a younger market, in comparison to its competitors because of them being official drinks of a majority of the pro sports both national and international. This gives them the advantage in the market place. The strategy that Gatorade uses is this if pro athletes use the drinks, and are able to preform the way they are doing, Gatorade usually gets upper end athletes who are most popular. A way they show this is through commercials, unlike its competitors who you rarely see being advertised on television. Their product works so well that the athletes are able to 'sweat it out', which gives the illusion that it works, and the human body being made up mostly of water, Gatorade is water with a plus side, electrolytes.
Thanks to the success of the Florida Gators, Gatorade has been able to became the major sports drink globally. And because of this they promise to help improve performance. As long as there is sports, Gatorade should always have a place in this current market, as they are always improving what they have to fit different needs, this was done through the G series.

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